Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Let's show off our Non - Locomotor Movements.

Oh my .... its already the third week. Welcome back. Did you have fun last week? Well this week the fun continues. Lets jump right in it

                                              Image result for non locomotor movements and stability

This week discussion focused primarily on Non - locomotor movements . A non-locomotor movement is a movement that a person performs while remaining stationary. For example, twisting the body around its axis is a non-locomotor movement. The person remains in one spot while the upper body rotates from left to right. Bending the body from a straight position to a curved position is a non-locomotor movement also. Other examples include pulling, twisting, swaying and balancing. 

Sounds cool doesn't it? Well lets continue on..

We then learnt about movement principles and how it is a concepts related to the efficiency and effectiveness of movement. They can be applied in a variety of situations . Force and stability are the two types of movement principles emphasized in the curriculum. 


  1. Stability usually increases as the distance between the body's center of gravity and base of support decreases.Example: You are less likely to lose your balance or be pushed off balance when standing with knees flexed than when standing with legs straight.
  2. Stability usually increases as the size of the body’s base of support increases. Example: You are less likely to fall or to lose your balance when you’re on hands and knees on the ground than when you’re standing on the tips of your toes.
  3. Stability usually decreases (in one direction) as the distance between the body’s center of gravity and the limits (edge) of the base of support decreases.Example: If you are leaning forward with most of your weight on your toes and someone pushes you from behind, it will require less force to make you fall than if you were not leaning.
And that's a wrap for theory.. on to practicals.

We then changed clothing into something more comfortable and then made our way to the auditorium. First the class began with warm up buy walking around keeping your personal space in all sorts of direction and listening to commands given by the lecturer. Afterwards, the class practiced and demonstrated various non locomotor skills applying all three principles of stability. The class accomplished at the end of the session to regain balance when lost, an athlete can enlarge the base of support and re-position the center of gravity over it, for greatest stability in all directions, the center of gravity should be over the center of the base of support, becoming more stable by lowering the center of gravity for example, bending of the knees and lastly shifting the center of gravity toward an approaching force increases an athlete's ability to maintain balance.

Even after all the fun we had, class came to an end where we all sat in circle and did our cool down activity which consisted of us walking around and when the command was given we needed to form a shape and finding a base as well, and before class was dismissed everyone was asked to share one thing that they learn from the session whether it be theory or practical.

Unfortunately that's the end of today's session but don't worry there is class next week and its going to be twice as fun. 

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