Wednesday, April 10, 2019

It's all about safety

Oh my Goodness, its the last session for the semester and today we learnt all about 

Physical activity contributes to students’ physical, academic and social well-being and thus is an important part of the educational program..While no physical education program can be made entirely risk-free, the focus is on ensuring that the benefits to students of a particular activity outweigh the potential for injury.Safety is important because just as careful parents cannot protect their children from every danger in the world, neither can a teacher protect students from every possible physical education injury. In physical education, as in all other activities of daily life, there is a degree of hazard.

Guiding principles for safety in Physical Education fall into five areas.

  • Facility safety
  • Equipment safety
  • Instruction
  • Supervision
  • Clothing and footwear
The class was then engaged in a discussion along with the instructor talking about all fives areas. Firstly, facility safety students must regularly inspect facilities for damage or hazards. Fix all problems as soon as they are identified, ensure that the perimeter of the gym is free of stored equipment and furniture, except for a reasonable number of balance benches and mats.When a gym or activity room is of a non-standard size, modify the rules of play as needed for maximum safety. In addition, ensure that indoor and outdoor playing surfaces are clean, free of all obstacles and provide good traction.

We then moved onto clothing and footwear. we learnt that students should remove all jewelry before participating in physical education activities. Jewelry includes ear studs, nose rings and other body jewelry, watches and rings as well as hanging jewelry. Students should wear long hair in a bun when there is a danger that it might become entangled in equipment.(This applies to both males and females.) as well as tie or pin back long hair when it could obscure vision. (This applies to both males and females.)

Supervision was our next area of discussion making reference that teachers should establish routines, rules of acceptable behavior and duties of students at the beginning of the year and reinforce them throughout the year. Teachers should sanction students for unsafe player unacceptable behavior whenever it occurs as well make students aware of the rules of specific activities or games before play begins and enforce these rules during play. Make students aware that the use of equipment or the use of the gymnasium is prohibited without the appropriate type of supervision.

After discussing all about safety, the class was given a step by step explanation by the instruction on how the format for the group lesson plan should be. The format consisted of involving the class you wish to teach, duration, previous knowledge, the objective and the topic followed by a table which contains movement, Organization and teaching point strategies for the lesson to be successful. 

I hope you had fun hearing all about my ten weekly session of Physical education and the content  that was taught and the practical activities that was done.

Hope you learnt something new every session just like I did and enjoyed the course. 

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