Wednesday, April 10, 2019

How good is your Teaching style?

Hey there and welcome back to PHED1001. Today we learnt all about teaching styles.

Do you know what is a teaching style?

Teaching styles refer to “a teacher’s preferred way of solving problems, carrying out tasks, and making decisions in the process of teaching, and, besides differing from individual to individual, may sometimes differ between different groups, for example schools schools” (Sternberg, 1997). 
There are types of Teaching Styles which are:

1. Practice style.
Description – The teacher demonstrates a specific task and the students practice on their own time while making nine specific decisions.  The decisions are: Location, order of tasks, starting time per task, pace and rhythm, stopping time per task, interval, initiating questions for clarification, attire and appearance and posture. The teacher then makes direct and individual feedback

2. Reciprocal Style
Description – A pair of students are given a task card describing the progression of the skill. While the doer is performing the skill, the observer is providing immediate, constructive and positive feedback. The teacher is available to answer the observer’s questions and provides the observer with feedback.

3. Self Check Style
Description – A student is given a criteria sheet in order to work independently on performing a task. The students also engage in self-assessment. The teacher is available to answer questions posed by the learners.

4. Inclusion Style
Description – Students are given a task card with various levels of difficulty within a single task. The learners decide their personal entry level on the sheet and how fast they choose to progress through the levels.  Once the learner has completed a task, they mark it down on the sheet and progress to the next level of choice.

5. Guided Discovery Style
Description – The teacher develops a series of logically designed questions to give to the learner.  The learner works through the questions in sequence, and each answer leads to the next question.  Eventually, the student will come to realize a predetermined concept. 

6. Divergent Discovery Style 
Description – The teacher develops a single question for all of the students to answer. The question has multiple responses and it is up to the students to discover multiple solutions.

These styles are described to assist the teacher in Physical Education to use a variety of teaching strategies to enhance learning and development of students.  In many cases, the type of activity or sport dictates the style or strategy used.  In addition, the characteristics of the teacher and the learners affect how the material is presented and assimilated.

Unfortunately there was no practicals for this session but hope you all had fun learning about teaching styles.

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